Accessibility Best Practices

Request a Scan or Review


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Email to request an Acquia Optimize scan for your web site, or an accessibility review for your application.

For each guideline, there are testable success criteria, which are at three levels: A, AA, and AAA (UT uses level AA).

Web & Content Owners

Determine your audience

If your website is used by all of the students at a university, an inaccessible website could put the university at risk for a lawsuit

Test your site frequently

Even if it is not a new site, test it!

Educate your team and designate time to test for accessibility

Make sure team members are aware of testing tools, and give them enough time to perform tests on the project

Provide a way for users with disabilities to communicate any problems with your site

Keep lines of communication open, and make it easy for users to contact you

Identifying legacy content and sites

The university is committed to providing accurate content on its websites, as well as providing access to historical content for informational purposes.

Where applicable, historical content is designated with a header that says "Web Historical Disclaimer."

Pages displaying historical statements are no longer maintained and may contain outdated information.

Such pages may no longer reflect practice or policy.

Historical pages:

  • May not display correctly in modern Web browsers.
  • May contain links to pages that no longer exist.
  • May have links removed that were in the original version.

They do, however, represent information that was accurate when the page/site was created.

Designating pages as historical is not required. Campus Web publishers need to maintain their content.

If the content can no longer be properly maintained, it should be removed or designated as historical as indicated in these guidelines.

Web Developers

Make sure to choose technologies that are accessible

Use technologies such as Wordpress, Drupal, and Rails that have sufficient documentation about accessibility

Start your project with accessibility in mind

If you start your project with accessibility in mind, it will make it easier in the long run to not have to test and fix larger problems

Test your site frequently!

Take advantage of tools for accessibility testing during the developmental stages of the project