Web Publishing Support

All support requests for web publishing services should be submitted as ServiceNow tickets via email.

For situations that require one-on-one discussion in real-time, ITS staff can schedule meetings to take place through Microsoft Teams (chat or video conference).

To initiate a support request, please use the email address for the specific service in question:

ServiceSupport Email
Pantheon Web Hostingpantheon-support@utlists.utexas.edu
University Blog Service (UBS)help@sites.utexas.edu
University Wikiswikihelp@utexas.edu
UT Drupal Kitdrupal-kit-support@utlists.utexas.edu
UT Webweb@utexas.edu
All other web publishing questionsweb@utexas.edu

Upcoming Office Hours

Event Status
Tuesday March 11, 2025, 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Real-time virtual consulting to assist faculty and staff using Enterprise Technology services for website development.
Event Status
Tuesday March 25, 2025, 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Real-time virtual consulting to assist faculty and staff using Enterprise Technology services for website development.
Event Status
Tuesday April 1, 2025, 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Real-time virtual consulting to assist faculty and staff using Enterprise Technology services for website development.
View all Events

FREE training for all Web Pubbers

Linkedin LEarning logo with hand holding 2 people in its palm

LinkedIn Learning

Starting in May 2022, LinkedIn Learning content is now available in UTLearn!

Connect your UT EID to LinkedIn Learning so any completed LinkedIn Learning course will be recorded in both your UTLearn and LinkedIn Learning transcripts.

Google Bot and Spider

Google Search Central

Get support for your site from Google Search Central.

Have questions about Search Console, search rankings, security issues, or content on your site?

Take a look at their support resources.

Google Analytics with yellow and orange vertical bar chart

Google Analytics 4

Learn how Google Analytics can help you meet your goal through intelligent data collection and analysis.

Find out how the latest generation of Google Analytics can take your measurement strategy to the next level.

Texas Libraries text on orange with UT Tower in background

University of Texas Libraries

Access to more than 10 million volumes including the latest digital journals, databases and web resources. UT Libraries collects and preserves the finest achievements of human knowledge in support of not only research and instruction needs, but also the exploration of ideas and intellectual innovation.

Campus Email Lists

Image: UT logo


What is UT WebPub?

  • a network of UT Web publishers, developers and designers
  • a forum for sharing the latest technology, tools and techniques
  • a vehicle to create a more cohesive and interactive Web publishing community that will result in a better Web presence for the university.
Image: Drupal logo

UT Drupal Users Group

Campus Special Interest Group for the open source content framework of Drupal.

Image: UT logo

UTWeb Talk

UT Web site admins and content managers discuss use of the UT Web shared Web hosting infrastructure service.

Image: UT logo

IT Talk

Used by the UT Austin technical support community for troubleshooting questions and sharing information

Slack logo

Be a Slacker!

The Web Publishing team created a channel for our community to ask questions and share information.